Returns & Exchanges
At Aideahana, we will make sure all product is process and shipped in good condition. However, should there is an issue with the item received, you may return the product purchased online within 7 days of received date. All return will be subject to the following terms and conditions:
- Returns / Exchanges are strictly reserved for cases of product defects, damages, or mistaken delivery.
- Return item(s) must be unworn, unwashed, unaltered and return in the exact condition upon purchased with tag attached. Exchange of size, design and colour is not acceptable.
- Following reasons will NOT be considered as a valid grounds for a refund or exchange, such as “I changed my mind”, "I choose the wrong size / colour" or “I don’t want it anymore”.
- We reserve the right to refuse any refund request, at our own discretion, should we determine that a customer is abusing our refund and exchange policy.
- Note: All shipping cost of return item(s) are to be borne by purchaser.
Contact us directly if you have received a defect or an incorrect item.
WhatsApp : +6018-2847439